Saturday, June 09, 2007
About Me
- Name: NeilLitt
- Location: Princeton, New Jersey, United States
I am a former chair and the current co-chair of the National Havurah Committee. I have taught courses at the National Havurah Summer Institute-- "Objects of Our Affection" (2009, with Eleni Litt), "Not in Heaven: When God is Silent, To Whom Do We Listen?" (2006), and "Modern Echoes in the Talmud" (2005). At the NHC Chesapeake Retreat (March 12-14, 2010), I will offer a workshop titled "The Library is on Fire!" based on the Mishnah in BT Shabbat, 115a, which states that on Shabbat all holy writings may be saved from a fire, whether we read them or not; we will study together the Gemara that explores what constitutes a sacred text and how it would come about that we would not read it. I call this blog Daf Am Haaretz as a disclaimer, lest anyone enter this site thinking they will find traditional wisdom. My notes may at times be irreverent, but they will never be gratuitously blasphemous and they will be rendered honestly, with no intention to offend.
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